Dutch Flats, NV
Recently I went on a prospecting trip to northern Nevada. My
destination was several places near Winnemucca. The first stop
was to be Dutch Flats, just 18 miles northeast of Winnemucca
on the west side of the Hot Springs Range.
These placers were discovered in 1893 and the first year of
production produced close to $75,000 dollars worth of gold.
Here's an old cabin that's falling in and apart.
A newer operation must of used this old bulldozer.
There are lots of drifts under the hills in this area, I didn't dare
enter these as they were falling in.
Up the valley a ways were two old mercury retorts.
Here's a close up of one, I'm not sure how they worked so if
you know send me a email. I suppose the large pipes in middle
were for air intake and small ones at top for air output and for
the mercury fumes.
Some of the drifts were marked by DANGER signs.
Here's a close up of one.
A drywashing operation was going nearby and they got gold.
A snake skin, lots of these were around the area.
Another drift opening up the valley.
And a shaft to bedrock.
I did some drywashing here and got gold. There was no water
for sluicing or highbanking though. It was a interesting visit and
I'm glad I did.
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