In the United States, public land is managed by Federal Agencies. In 2013, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was responsible for managing about 250 Million acres of land. They are also responsible for managing mineral lands and leases.
All of the following federal agencies and departments have control or influence on portions of the public lands and they manage many types of land classifications.
Search by Agency.
US Forest Service
National Park Services
Department of Defense
Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Land Management
Fish & Wildlife Service
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Army Corp of Engineers
Search by Land Classifications.
National Forests
National Grasslands & Prairies
National Parks
National Monuments
Designated Wilderness
National Wildlife Refuges
Reclamation Projects
In the Library
Defining documents - laws, regulations, policy etc.
Information on Land Use Restrictions by agencies
Maps & General Information
Links to federal websites for detailed information
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