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About Land Status

What do you mean by Land Status?

Land Status is a term used to describe the specifics of ownership regarding a certain parcel of land. In the case of Public Lands it is used to describe the particulars of land management including all land use restrictions.

Some Elements of Land Status Classifications

Privately owned or Patented Land
Forest Service Managed Land
Restricted Subsurface Rights
Mineral Rights Withdrawal
Power Site Withdrawal
Wild & Scenic Designation
Wilderness Designation
State Owned Land
Mining Claims
Military Lands

Why do I care ?

Public Land Access

Fully understanding the status of the land around you means that you know who sets the rules for using the land, and what those rules truly are.

Who needs to know?

Hunters & Fishermen
OHV & Bike Riders
Hikers & Campers

And anyone else who wants to fully enjoy the use of our public lands.

Private Land Owners - learn how to determine the provenance of your own property and understand the rights and restrictions that may have passed to you with title.

The Land Matters Land Status Library

Background information

Determining the Land Status in an area can be a very complex issue. As ownership of land changes hands through time, it can acquire legal permissions and restrictions on its use.

Lands in the western United States, originally in the public domain have over time been designated as National Forests, Wilderness, Indian Reservations, Military Bases, National Parks, National Monuments, etc. Each with its own restrictions on public use.

Millions of acres of land have been transferred into private hands through Military Warrants, Mineral Estate Grants, Homestead Grants, Railroad Grants or just plain sold into private hands. Every transfer of land in this manner is done by patent, and each patent is specific in the rights that are granted to the owner.

In the Land Status Library

Land Matters provides documents to help you determine the land status of an area.

Reference Documents
Historical Documents
Defining Documents for Land Management Agencies
Laws and Regulations
Treaties, Plats and Patents

For more specific land status information, don't forget to visit our Land Status Maps page. The first step on the way to your next adventure.

Land Matters. Get out & Enjoy it.