Helpful Hints Page 4

Dirty Gold Nugget Vinegar and Nugget

Here is the easy way to clean all that crud off a new nugget just soak it in vinegar a couple days.
This is a heart
shaped nugget I found for my gold gal on mothers day.


There are a variety of magnets that can be very useful to the prospector.
They help us separate out the magnetic black sands from our gold and in
metal detecting remove that shoe tack or other metal from the dirt we dig.
They come in all sizes and powers. One of the cheapest is the cow magnet
on the right available at any farm supply, feed and seed, or tack shop. It's
easy to drill a hole in your digger handle and glue it in place so its always
there and ready to do its job. Some glue the powerful flat round ones to
their digger behind the blade but mine always get knocked off. The cow
magnets only cost about 50 cents each, no reason not to have a few spares
with you at all times.

gold weed

gold weed

This plant is known to grow in  gold bearing dirt, we call it the gold weed.
Others call it the trumpeter plant it grows where there is highly mineralized
soil usually the real red stuff and that's where lots of gold is sometimes found.

Drying Tarps

Sometimes when drywashing we encounter damp material that just won't drywash,
here is the solution, we spread it out on tarps in the sun for a few hours and then run
it. It makes a big difference, dry material lets the gold drop out. This photo is on the
Weaver claims just down the road from Stanton AZ.


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