Helpful Hints Page  5


If you're bothered by honey bees, they HATE chlorine
bleach.  Just spray a little up wind and they'll vanish.
 It'll also work to get them away from the
hive if you're
of a mind to steal a little wild, raw honey!

Thanks to Al Freeman  for this hint.

Wish I had known about all this last summer when I was down
at gold basin AZ. It was in the heat of summer and I would go
out detecting every day. I had moved to a new location with my
truck camper and it had a small water leak at the rear where you
drain the water for winter. (plug was just not tight) and i came back
to the truck after a few hours of detecting and the whole thing was
swarming with some kind of bees. All I could do was run jump in
and drive the whole thing about a mile away before they gave up.
Water was what they wanted and that little drip was enough.


Mine Shaft

Another prospecting season is upon us,  watch out for these old
 open mine shafts.
I've seen them large enough to drive a Jeep off
 into. They are deep and
some have no warning signs to alert you.


Motor Speed Control

Ever need a simple way to slow down a water pumps flow or the rate
of your drywasher or trommel?  Just put one or two of these resistors
in line with your battery. They're available at Radio Shack 2 for $2.00
Part # is 271-131 Wire wound Resistor or value is 1 Ohm @ 10 Watts.



Walker for Elderly Prospectors?

No, just another good idea I get sent now and then.
Ron in California says they make great high banker stands.
Having adjustments in height and the metal can be used in
 other prospecting endeavors.

 Cheap at Thrift Stores everywhere.

  On to page 6 of Hints.