Helpful Hints Page  6

Joshua Tree

When walking around beeping be aware of  your surroundings
These Joshua trees have sharp barbs that can poke you in the
eye or head. It sounds silly to say that but it happens more often
 than you think.  You get concentrating on the detector sounds
 and watching for snakes and it happens. I found a nice nugget
about 30 ft. from this tree.

Duck Cloth Sealer

I found that if your duck cloth is leaking air you can save the day
by spreading Seal All on it or spraying it with Plasti Dip.  This
will make it air tight and pump air, Home Depot carries them both.
  I understand in the old days they rubbed it with oil to seal it.

Bike Tube for Hose

Did you ever go to the hardware store to buy some bilge pump
hose and gasp at the price? At about $3.00 a foot I wanted to find
a alternative.  Here I'm using an old bicycle inner tube for the
 1 inch hose and it works great! I also found a smaller one
 I had works great for 3/4 inch pumps.

This is the best stuff for repairing leaks or sealing your system.
Its quick to set up and drys to a soft rubbery seal.

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