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and receive this Custom DVD as a Gift!
Land Matters Special Research Collection Number One
California Treasures - Gold Gems Minerals and Mines
A Comprehensive Collection of Books Reports Maps and Charts
Detailing the Gem and Mineral Resources of California

More than 40,000 pages of Critical Information for the California minerals Researcher
116 individual Reports in one indexed PDF
Search the entire Collection with One Click!
Nearly 4 Gigabytes of Critical Information for the California Minerals Researcher
Donate $35 or more Today and receive the entire collection!
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Members - Only $35 $25
A comprehensive collection of the Best Available Digital Resources for researching the historic mines and mineral resources of California. Land Matters has brought to you the best, most complete copies of these resources, including most of the elusive plates often missing from the back pocket of these old documents.
Click HERE to watch a quick demonstration video.
On each DVD you will receive:
Important California
Mining History Reports
The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California
1880, Josiah.D. Whitney
The Mother Lode Region of California
California Bulletin 18 – 1900, W. H. Storms
Gems, Jewelers' Materials and Ornamental Stone of California
California Bulletin 37 – 1905, George Frederick Kunz
The Auriferous Black Sands of California
California Bulletin 45 – 1907, Lewis E Aubury
Gold Dredging in California
California Bulletin 57 – 1910, Lewis E Aubury
The Tertiary Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California
USGS Professional Paper 73 – 1911, Waldemar Lindgren
Gold Placers of California
California Bulletin 92 – 1923, Charles Scott Haley
Placer Mining for Gold in California
California Bulletin 135 – 1946, Charles Volney Averil
Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Colfax and Forest
Hill Quadrangles
California Special Report 67 – 1961, Deb K Chandra
Geology of Northern California
USGS Bulletin 190 – 1966
Mineral Resources of California
California Bulletin 191 – 1966
Gold Districts of California
California Bulletin 193 – 1970, William B Clark
Reports of the State Mineralogist
All 54 reports spanning the years 1880 - 1958 These reports are the most comprehensive public documents on the historic mines and
mineral resources of California.
All California Counties are covered in the Minerologist Reports and a separate index is included to permit direct access to County Specific Information.
Includes Maps and Plates
California Counties Mines Registers
All 21 Reports with Maps
The County Mines Registers were published between 1898 and 1905 and contain maps and text on mines in 21 counties.
They show locations and tabulated data for many historic and operating quartz, placer, drift, and hydraulic mines.
They include lists of
mills, arrastras and mineral springs.
California County Reports – Mines & Mineral Resources
All 8 reports
An additional 8 Individual County Reports
completed in the 1960's and 1970's.
Full Text Search
All documents have been full text indexed. You can search the entire collection from one simple search box. Search for people, places, minerals, mines etc.
Full OCR
Copy and paste from any document to other programs. All maps, plates and text can be printed - no restrictions!
Minimum of 3.7 Gb of free disk space (can be run from DVD but not recomended)
Adobe Reader Software (Free)
Computer with DVD reader
About the Reports
Reports of the State Mineralogist of California.
When the State Mining Bureau was established by the California legislature it was required to make an annual report to the Governor. This collection presents these reports from the first in 1880 through 1958.
These reports are the most comprehensive public documents on the historic mines and mineral resources of California. The reports are generally organized by county. For each county the information presented can include a description of the geology of the region, production figures, commodities being mined, a discussion of activity in the various mining districts and sometimes in depth details on specific mining operations.
Often there are included hand drawn plates or maps. These plates vary in content including, maps of mines and mineral deposit locations, maps of underground or surface workings, maps of tertiary gravel channels and deposits, claims maps or production figures and other relevant subjects. But always interesting and full of information.
In addition to the county reports, these documents often contain information on special subjects. Topics such as mining law, mining methods, mining equipment, geologic reports and commodity reports are frequently provided.
These documents are a fantastic resource for California researchers. Using the index search you can locate information about specific mines, mineral locations, mine owners and operators, patents and much more historic information.
The State Mineralogist reports are THE place to begin research on any mining area.
Mines Registers
The County Mines Registers were published between 1898 and 1905 and contain maps and text on mines in 21 counties. They show locations and tabulated data for many historic and operating quartz, placer, drift, and hydraulic mines. They include lists of mills, arrastras and mineral springs.
The details provided on quartz mines include a numeric indicator, the name, location, patent information, elevation, character of ore, number employed, owners, and other remarks about the operations. Corresponding maps display mine locations by number.
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