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Land Matters Maps
Land Matters offers hundreds of interactive maps that provide detailed, relevant, quality information about the lands around you. Our maps are designed to enable you to perform complex research with a few clicks of the mouse. Search for Geologic Reports, Topographic Maps, Land Surveys, Land Records and much more using our custom, interactive, geospatial map interface.
Traditional maps just scratch the surface of the information available about a particular place. Land Matters maps are not only navigational maps with roads, terrain, cities and other standard map layers, they provide geospatial access to more comprehensive information about your places of interest.
A click for information on a Land Matters Map will return a results window that provides access to a wide variety of data; a list of active mining claims, the particulars regarding the Land Status of an area, a link to the appropriate County Recorders office, a Master Title Plat or a list of detailed geological maps available for the area.
Land Matters maps are grouped into topical collections accessed by using the menu at right. Each of the hundreds of maps we present is designed by Land Matters with pre-selected layers to provide a cohesive presentation of the topic.
Topo Map Downloads
Looking for a Topographic Map or Shoreline Survey? Use our custom interactive map to quickly locate and download Current US Topo Maps, Historical USGS Topographic Maps from last year or from the last century, Forest Service Topo Maps and US Shoreline Surveys. All from a single map.
Land Status Collection
These maps provide us with information about who owns the land, what restrictions are placed upon it, and how to locate it with a standardized reference grid. Use the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) to locate the Township, Range and Section of an area then download the Master Title Plat (MTP) to research the land status.
Geology Maps
Use our State level Geology Maps to learn the basic Geology of an area. Each State map has a National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) query layer you can use to locate Detailed Geological Reports and maps directly from the USGS.
Mineral Maps
View maps that detail locations of various minerals. Use our Meteorite Falls map to locate detailed information on the location of falls in the United States and the types of meteorites that have been found.
Mine Maps
Use our Mine Maps to locate current and historical mines by commodity.
Mining Claims Maps
Our unique Mining Claims Maps are a popular feature. Use our state level maps to locate information on active federal mining claims. Our maps are updated twice monthly and provide links directly into the BLM's LR2000 database to access federal records. We also provide links to each County Recorder's office to provide quick access to County filings.
Agriculture Maps
Agricultural maps provide information on soils, crops and grazing programs.
Energy Maps:
Our Energy maps will help you visualize how our energy sources are intricately linked to the land
Recreation Maps:
Our Recreation maps will help you locate Parks, Trails, National Forests, Wildernesses and other public recreation areas. Access park maps, trail maps and other related documents using our interactive map interface.
Historical Maps
This map group provides a wide variety of interesting historical maps for exploring, researching, or just to have a little fun.
Real-time Conditions
These maps provide streaming data on current conditions regarding weather, temperature, stream flow, active fires and other real-time informaton.
Search Maps
Our Search Maps bring access to a wide variety of land related information. Use our geospatial maps to search our local Land Matters Library and other organizational libraries for information on your places of interest. Topo Maps and Motor Vehicle Use maps for your area are easy to locate and download with these national maps.