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Click on Topo Maps from the Green highlighted list below
The map will open in a new Map window or will replace the map you are currently viewing if you already have a map open
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Topo Map Downloads
275,865 Topo Maps Available!
The Land Matters Topo Download map allows you to select an area of interest and get a list of all the different topo maps available for your selected area. You can download those topo maps directly from the list presented. These are full size PDF files of Topo maps that can be printed as a full size, full resolution paper map. Most of these maps are a 20-30 Megabytes download each. Each of these 275,865 maps is different and unique.
There are usually several different versions of each topo map based on the year the maps were made. The older Historical maps often have features no longer found on more recent topo maps. These maps as a group are a form of recorded history and can be very useful for many different research goals.
Current digital Topo maps are multi layered interactive georeferenced PDFs that have some of the features of a traditional Topo map and also include aerial photos.These maps are designated as US Topo on the download list. These maps do not have a Public Land Survey grid.
Historical Scanned Topo maps are single image scans of traditional topo maps. There are often several different years available with different features on each. If two Topos made in the same year are marked Historical they will have different content. These maps do have the traditional roads, buildings, mines and features you expect to find in a traditional paper topo map.
Forest Service Topo maps are multi layered interactive georeferenced PDFs of Proclaimed Forest and Purchase Unit specific topo maps. All these maps are 24k Standard resolution topos. These maps are offered for download in both the GeoPDF format as well as a zipped multi layer GeoTiffs with an included World file for the more advanced mapper.
Coastal Survey Topo maps are official US Shoreline Surveys. Dated from 1841 through 1988, these maps cover the entire US Coast and the coastal areas of some major rivers. All downloaded files are geo-referenced.
Land Matters does offer a Topo base layer on all our online custom interactive maps but these digital and historic topo maps can help your research in many ways that just can't be done as well online. Land Matters is here to serve land users. Enjoy this research resource and let us know what we can do to make it even better.
The 24k Standard Topo is the standard 7.5 degree Topo map that most people are familiar with. These topos are available across the United States with several different versions made through the years.
These topos are available in either US Topo Digital or Historical scanned maps by selecting from the information window. You will need to zoom in to see the topo areas and names.
The 62.5k Topo is an interim size topo with limited coverage - mostly in the Northeast and Midwest and the far West. The grid for these Topos is displayed at all zoom levels.
The 1:100k Topo is an interim size topo with full United States Coverage. You will need to zoom in to see the topo areas and names.
The 1:125k Topo is a large size topo with sparse coverage. The grid for these Topos is displayed at all zoom levels.
The 1:250k Topo is a large size topo with full United States Coverage. The grid for these Topos is displayed at all zoom levels.
Special Series Topo Maps are a mixed bag of unusual scales and sizes.
The grid for these Topos is displayed at all zoom levels.
The Results window will display all the Topos found individually with their scale and name.
The All Topo Search layer is a non display layer.
This layer, when checked, will search the entire database of topo maps to find any topo map of any scale or type at the point of your mouse click.
Zooming in will not show a grid.
The Results window will display all the Topos found individually with their scale and name.
Map Name | Scale | Degrees of Coverage | 1 Inch Equals |
1 Centimeter Equals |
Map Area In Square Miles (Approximate) |
24k Standard Topos | 1:24,000 | 7.5 x 7.5 | 2,000 feet | 240 meters | 40 to 70 |
25k Topos | 1:25,000 | 7.5 x 15 | 2,083 feet (approximate) | 250 meters | 98 to 140 |
62.5k Topos | 1:62,500 | 15 x 15 | 1 mile (approximate) | 625 meters | 197 to 282 |
100k Topos | 1:100,000 | 30 x 60 | 1.6 mile (approximate) | 1 kilometer | 1,568 to 2,240 |
125k Topos | 1:125,000 | 30 x 30 | 2 miles (approximate) | 1.25 kilometers | 2,290 to 4,335 |
250k Topos | 1:250,000 | 60 x 120 | 4 miles (approximate) | 2 5 kilometers | 4,580 to 8,669 |
Click on a category on the right hand menu. A list will open below the menu item. When you scroll over the list items they will highlight in green. Click on the highlighted item of your choice and the map for that item will open in a new window.
All of the maps are interactive Each map is created when you click the refresh (two arrows chasing each other), move the map or zoom in or out. Pick the layers you want to display and zoom in to see more detail. Use the information button (the big i) to see more information about the features near your click point. Within the results shown there are often links to even more detailed information.
If there is a particular map subject you would like us to include in the collection just let us know and we will do our best to put that together for you.
For More Information on using Land Matters Maps Click on the "HOW TO USE MAPS" button on the right and follow the links there or click on the "HELP" button at the top of each mapping window.