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Pick an Historical Map from the Green highlighted list below
The map will open in a new Map window or will replace the map you are currently viewing if you already have a map open
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We expect to have several hundred interactive maps in our mapping library.
You can help make those maps as useful as possible by letting us know just what you would like to see on our maps.
Land Matters is just getting started. What you see is only a taste of what is on the way.
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Historical Maps
Land Matters has put the importance of historical maps high on our list of planned maps. Historical maps from as early as the 16th century will be presented alongside current maps in an interactive format for the first time. Historical Topo maps will be offered to help those researching, and preserving, the knowledge of the public way rights in the United States as well as preserving more than 100 years of local first hand knowledge of land features that are systematically being removed from official maps today.
Georectifying, classifying and cataloguing these old maps is a major investment of time and technology. Please be patient as we convert these maps for public use. If you feel these maps should be a priority please contribute your time, expertise or make a donation to advance this important cause.
Recently added maps:
Historic Places has more than 10,000 Historic Places displayed. Ghostowns, Abandoned Airstrips, Abandoned Train Depots and Abandoned Dams are all marked and displayed separately.
Topo Search Map gives direct links to download historic topo maps of any area. More than 260,000 topo maps are available.
Parks shows more than 67,000 parks and community gathering places displayed across the United States
In Progress:
More than 100 maps of the southeastern United States from the early 1800's through the civil war.
Ancient maps from around the world from the Rumsey collection.
Important historical geological maps can also be found in the Geology Maps section on the right hand menu.
If you would like to help sponsor this important work please Contact Us for more details.
Click on a category on the right hand menu. A list will open below the menu item. When you scroll over the list items they will highlight in green. Click on the highlighted item of your choice and the map for that item will open in a new window.
All of the maps are interactive Each map is created when you click the refresh (two arrows chasing each other), move the map or zoom in or out. Pick the layers you want to display and zoom in to see more detail. Use the information button (the big i) to see more information about the features near your click point. Within the results shown there are often links to even more detailed information.
If there is a particular map subject you would like us to include in the collection just let us know and we will do our best to put that together for you.
For More Information on using Land Matters Maps Click on the "HOW TO USE MAPS" button on the right and follow the links there or click on the "HELP" button at the top of each mapping window.