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Land Matters Interactive Maps
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Geospatial Access
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And Many More!

Help Us Build Land Matters
Become a Founder
Our Founders Program was created to encourage supporters to donate at a level that makes a significant difference in our ability to accomplish our goals. To qualify as a Founder a minimum donation of $1,500 is required. Larger amounts are gratefully encouraged. The program is limited to 10 participants.
Land Matters was founded in 2014. We are still a young organization, building the foundation now, that will support us well into the future.
Land Matters growth plan aims to consolidate access to many more additional sources of quality information about our lands. This information is published by or collected by the numerous public and private organizations that regulate, study and manage our lands. We will continue to improve the way we leverage geospatial technology to allow users to easily search for detailed information about their places of interest.
By presenting comprehensive information about place, Land Matters can enhance the way the general public engages their world by providing them with a broader vision and a more complete understanding of our common ground.
You can help Land Matters build a strong foundation and plan for our future by becoming a Land Matters Founder.
Land Matters Founders are appreciated with an exclusive, permanent, public acknowledgement for their support on our Founders Page. Each Founder receives a personalized profile which may include a picture, a descriptive text and a website link of their choosing. This profile will be permanently maintained as a testament to those who helped with the creation and founding of Land Matters.
Corporate and Business Founders are accepted and encouraged.
Founding Donation - $1500 or more
If you want to know more about Land Matters plans for the future, contact us by Email with your questions and we would be glad to share our vision.
This webpage will only be displayed as long as Founder positions are open. If you no longer see the founder donation button here all Founder positions have been filled.